Friday, December 4, 2009

And we have a winner, folks

Wow.  I just saw what I think is the winning bid for Cormac McCarthy's Olivetti.  $254,500.  I. Lost.  It.  On.  The.  Last.  Bid...

On another subject, I'm struck by the tension realized by typing with the subconcsious (see?) knowledge that I can't correct mistakes.  To type 5 million words this way would be rough.


  1. True, eventually you would edit it. But as a vehicle for first drafts, this is the figurative long board for the big waves. It just feels different. And that I imagine may say something about the way people used to write on manual typewriters. Especially before erasing ribbons were added. Nowadays, people I imagine have been trained to use the delete and/or backspace keys with the same fluid motion as the space key. Or maybe not. I'm just thinking about process on this project.
